Monday, December 3, 2007

Comment on Queering Culture

This was my first introduction to slash writing and I must say it is neither what I expected nor fully understand. I took a look at the Henry Jenkins site but I really don’t feel that has helped me understand it, or rather, I’m sort of unclear about the connection he has with the spike site.

Initially, some of my confusion stemmed from the fact that I was unclear as to where these characters were coming from and the relation they have to slash culture. I have never watched the television show Buffy or read any slash fiction before. What I surmise is happening on this site is that writers are taking the characters from Buffy and using them in slash writing.

I randomly selected to read “Asymptotes” and “Xander Harris’s Really Weird Jar-Jar Sex Dream” . Both deal with homosexuality and sexual relations between characters. “Asymptotes” is a rather short account of sexual tension exhibited by two men, Gun and Wes. The writing is descript and provides details and suspense as to create sexual tension and allow the reader to understand their deep sexual desires towards one another.

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